Smart Locks

OMNI locks - Cellular

OMNI is the industry standard for smartlocks offering both cellular and Bluetooth connectivity.

  • Bluetooth 4.0 + Cellular Unlock - Secure app-based lock control

  • GPS Tracking - Live tacking enabling dockless

  • Sturdy Construction - Solid metal case

  • Charging Port - Optional Solar panel or Dynamo without 2-week battery life

AXA locks - Bluetooth

The Tandem bikes utilize AXA locks, which are powered by Bluetooth technology on a rider’s phone. AXA, a subsidiary of Allegion, manufactures this smart lock, one of the largest lock manufacturers in the world. It uses Bluetooth technology to sync with a rider’s cellular device to enable unlocking and locking at the touch of a button. If you require the lock function to be integrated into the operation system, we have the option to upgrade the locks to include cellular technology to allow for the creation of preferred or mandatory parking zones through the Movatic software. This would enable us to use geofencing technology to require parking in the pre-approved bike parking racks and zones across the designated bikeshare area. It has the following specs.

  • Bluetooth 4.0 - Secure app-based lock control

  • Battery Life - 2+ year battery life, 10,000+ unlocks

  • Sturdy & Lightweight - 1.3 lb

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